Tuesday 10 December 2019


But even this similarity is very much an abstract one: In the event, though, this was a well-presented evening of strange music which didn't deliver on its promises. The whole concert, after all, was certainly a better portrait of Tristano himself than of either Bach or Cage, as his own Introit and its remix confirmed. Cage , In a Landscape. Another, deeper aspect comes to bear on this album, because his subjective choice of pieces sees Francesco Tristano organically blend Bach and Cage, blurring borders while emphasising shared elements. This music was beat-driven and conspicuously influenced by techno and trance music, while only inconspicuously influenced by the recital's two subjects. But in terms of an overall experience, the beauty of the playing was masked slightly by the electronic manipulation. francesco tristano bachcage

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And did his own compositional contribution highlight them, or shed fresh light on either figure? How to add your events to Bachtrack. Bach's music is bacycage, perhaps mathematically patterned, and Cage proportioned much of his music according to strict ratios and numerical schemes.

I don't consider this a problem, and love the music of both. They also masked the notes' natural decay, which is an important element in Cage's piano music.

Unfortunately, the answer to both was no last night, and while the recital was beautifully presented and technically well realised, I came away as sure as ever that Bach and Cage were not the same. The Cage pieces, more heavily treated electronically, blended in to the concert's conceptual ambience — but despite some subtle echoey tinkling emerging from the speakers in the Partita's final Gigue, the Bach pieces were all rather more interludes than integrated parts of a whole.

Tristano makes use of this, stamping his mark on the world of music and providing a fresh and unique sound, unlike anything that has been heard before.

Francesco Tristano: bachCage | Bach John Cage Piano

And the recital also didn't convince me that adding a tridtano of neo-techno avant-garde-DJ-style framing to works by Bach and Cage really adds anything to their music, however often you tap the frame of the piano. This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https: Hall Two, London on 28 May But such arcane connections, essentially inaudible, do not make for a coherently presented thesis.

francesco tristano bachcage

Preparation of the instrument has given way to post-processing aided by studio technology subtly added by Von Oswald and Tristano. Register with email address.

francesco tristano bachcage

But even this similarity is very much an abstract one: The music of Bach and Cage sounds very different, indeed. But in terms of an overall experience, the beauty of the playing was masked slightly by the electronic manipulation.

He has written on music and culture for publications including Culture Wars, the Huffington Post, the Independent and the Guardian. Staring into the abyss: Tristano has also found spiritual common ground in both composers, which he conveys through his own compositions. While I'm all for musical plurality, I wasn't sure about the programme notes' comment about how Tristano 'refuses to accept borders and constrictions'.

Another, deeper aspect comes to bear on this album, because his subjective choice of pieces sees Francesco Tristano organically blend Bach and Cage, blurring borders while emphasising shared elements.

Francesco Tristano: bachCage

Unwrapping Bach's Christmas Gifts. Remember me Sign in Lost password? What's constricting about Bach and Cage being different?

francesco tristano bachcage

By Paul Kilbey29 May His website is here. It's just that they're not the same.

CageThe Seasons. Just because they're both great doesn't mean there have to be similarities between them. At Kings Place last night he presented an interlinked and conceptually driven programme of music by both Bach and Cage, bookended by an Introit and an Introit Remix by Tristano himself. Trying to pull all bbachcage things together was always a bold undertaking, and it would have franvesco a seriously impressive accomplishment if it had worked.

Francesco Tristano: BachCage - Hard Wax

The fast movements of the Partita were sprightly and melodically focused francecso sometimes a little at the expense of franceaco lower parts — and the Duets were lively and conversational.

In the event, though, this was a well-presented evening of strange music which didn't deliver on its promises. CageIn a Landscape. Tristano's Bach playing, if taken in isolation, was mostly good, if not revolutionary in approach. The whole concert, after all, was certainly a better portrait of Tristano himself than of either Bach or Cage, as his own Introit and its remix confirmed.

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